Victoria Le Fevre Taylor profile picture

Victoria Le Fevre Taylor


2022: Art & Design BA Hons



An art installation, designed for touch, exploring haptics, nature, well-being and the audience's role in experiencing art.

Haptically Rooted

As humans, we learn about our environments through our senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch all contribute to our understanding of life and lived experiences. The ability to feel and interact with our environment through touch provides physical feedback and stimulation, deepening our connection to our surroundings. My work focuses on the notion of interactivity, exploring touch and the tactility of art; it is inspired by natural textures, shapes and lines, through a well-being lens. 

At the exhibition, I invite you to experience art through touch. There is a sculptural object inside each box, designed with a variety of characteristics, each intentionally providing a different sensory experience. The feel of the objects are an interpretation of organic forms and surfaces, encouraging calming and relaxing sensations. By removing the visual aspect of sculpture, this work, instead, encourages a more mindful focus on tactility.

The installation is accompanied by two books: one handmade, consisting of lino prints on handcrafted paper, the other showcasing digital photographs. These photographs depict a series of sculptures created through the experimentation process that led up to this installation. The lino prints, on the other hand, represent a visual translation of the sculptures and their textural elements.

Wood, Plaster, Newspaper, Acrylic paint, Emulsion paint, Handmade paper, Ink, Lino, Digital photography.