Hanyu Qin profile picture

Hanyu Qin

  • sd21hq@leeds.ac.uk

  • 07536351222

2022: MA Design



This project aims to develop an interactive mobile application to explore the impact of mobile learning experiences on ocean literacy as well as awareness.


Due to the uncontrolled destruction of ocean resources by humans, the ocean is under pressure. Essential principles and fundamental concepts about the ocean are critical for citizens to take informed decisions in order to protect it, and the lack of them can be an obstacle to more sustainable behaviours. However, the literature highlights that most people do not have enough ocean literacy, and this leads to a lack of marine awareness. Engagement plays a key role in promoting marine knowledge learning and marine conservation awareness. It could be a way to redress the lack of ocean-related knowledge. Through a mixed methods approach, this research explored how to improve people’s knowledge regarding critical topics about the ocean. The results of the ocean literacy test indicated that participants’ ocean literacy improved significantly after they went through the mobile learning experience. This study evaluated people’s ocean literacy through online questionnaires and developed an interactive mobile application as a research tool to provide people with an interactive learning experience.