Grace A Wilson


  • 07505566751

2022: MA Global Fashion Management



An investigation into fashion ecotags in order to explore the effects of digitisation and traceability on a fashion circular economy


The aim of this thesis is to explore the convergence of digital fashion through traceability tags, to create a circular business model. Traceability and the integration of digitisation can improve supply chain visibility from both a consumer and business perspective, encouraging sustainable business practices and stimulating potential for a CE.


Incorporating external costs into the cost of clothing creates direct consequences and benefits for acting sustainably, incentivising consumers to close the circularity gap as they perceive to be receiving a better value for money when disposing of clothing correctly. In turn keeping garments out of landfill and reducing the industries reliance of virgin materials.

Further research:

This framework encourages consumers to adopt circularity, minimising garment disposability by incentivising clothing to be returned to the brand. This assumes that the brand has
circularity principles that improve the sustainability of the industry. Subsequently, further research should be conducted as to how brands achieve circularity