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Victoria Ing


2022: Graphic & Communication Design BA Hons



A motivated and enthusiastic multi-disciplinary designer with a strong interest in branding, copywriting and advertising. I'm excited to grow and continue learning as a graphic designer in industry.

Independent Project: Joybox

Joybox brands the intangible emotion joy through a cardboard box as a toy for children aged 6-8. The beauty of a cardboard box is the joy it brings because of the unlimited possibilities of what it can be. The design concept aims to demonstrate through abstract shapes spilling out of the box that, although empty, the box is full and brought to life when a child uses it due to their imaginations, enabling them to create stories and adventures.

The branded box, plain and simple to reflect that it is the imagination of the child that fills it.

Both joy and imagination come from within, and the box facilitates a medium for both to come out in an explosive, colourful and exciting way. Papercutting demonstrates the box being physically and mentally turned into something else by the children, as well as creating something physical and tangible to represent joy. The copy ‘what’s inside’ throughout playfully strengthens the idea it’s what’s inside the child that’s important.

Posters were created with the idea of imagination spilling out of the box. They are interactive and displayed outside places which bring joy, where
children go for a fun day out, but often have to wait in a queue to get in. The children tap on the screen to play the animations and bring each poster to life.

The second part of the brand promotion is a city box trail children can go inside.

Each one has a different adventure on the inside for them to see.

The leaflet accompanies the trail creating more interaction for children.

Below is the instruction manual for the box in the form of a storybook.

Bring it Back: Dial

Dial aims to bring back the art of conversation via the landline for 18-34 year-olds. The challenge was that the audience aren’t required to hold conversations in the same way as previous generations and they don’t like to. It needed to be demonstrated to them what they can get out of conversation and that it’s an easy, simple and enjoyable experience.

The branding focuses on the simplicity of real, verbal exchanges between two people to build stronger connections. This lead to the ‘Start Real Conversations’ campaign, encouraging the audience to start verbal, real conversations using a typographic approach.

The brand promotion aims to get people to talk through an installation around London which connects two phone boxes and encourages two people with something in common to talk.

Inside the box is a QR code which will take the user to the website to find out where their conversation was and more information about the brand.

The website journey to find the other telephone box on the map and introductory offers.

Alongside the landline, a starter kit can be purchased to enhance the experience.