Tara O'Carroll profile picture

Tara O'Carroll

  • sd18to@leeds.ac.uk

  • 07910096158

2022: Graphic & Communication Design BA Hons



An enthusiastic multidisciplinary designer, particularly interested in advertising and branding. Keen to experiment with a variety of design challenges to continue developing. Hope you enjoy the work!

Terra: Truth or Dare

Brief: Raise awareness about endangered animals and inspire generation alpha to act and protect the planet.

Concept: A daily truth or dare game, challenging players to learn more about the world and complete tasks in order to help. The idea applies fun theory to encourage behaviour change.

Game progress is visualised through the tower of endangered animals and ability to keep it balanced by returning to the app and completing tasks. The tower symbolises how balance in the ecosystem is essential to keep living species alive. Truth’s include multiple choice questions with a link to dare categories for users to know how they can make a positive impact. Dares involve animations or mini games of the animals re-enacting the task.

The advertising campaign includes promotional material in various locations relating to the dare it is highlighting. The design style aims appeals to families while still earning the respect of conservationists. The billboard aims to attract the attention of by passers and prompt them to question their actions. The dare aims to decrease the demand for mining in the gorillas habitat and stop the trend of constantly upgrading to new technology. The bus promotion encourages sustainable transportation. The interactive supermarket campaign brings one of the dares to life. Users search for products with “Say No to Palm Oil” stickers and record them on the card to create a sustainable shopping list which can be updated and referred to in the future.

P. Box

Brief: Unearth a forgotten passtime and make it relevant for the modern day.

Concept: Reintroduces Pandora’s Box as a mindfulness tool to help users find inner balance and deal with unwanted emotions. The product reverses the original myth, every time the box is opened hope and good feelings are released replacing unwanted feelings.

The engravings on the wooden box provide function and decoration, the pattern gradually lights up around the box when connected to the app. The app accompanies the product to show users their emotions and allow them to make decisions. Gradients are used to conceptualise the dynamic and flowing nature of emotions and movement is used to portray the different levels of balance

Personal Work

In spare time I am keen to continue developing illustration and technical painting skills alongside interest in graphic design. Below are some examples of work completed in spare time including gouache illustration, oil painting and a typography painted mural for a local gym.

Gouache illustration: Koi

GouacheI illustration: Tigers Tea

Main Typography Painted Gym Mural

Secondary Painted Gym Mural

What’s next…

I am currently available to work and would love to start my next project, feel free to get in contact with any questions or opportunities!