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Cara Bews


  • 07305 768088

2022: Fashion Marketing BA Hons



Hi, I'm Cara. For my final major project, I proposed the female safety brand, Salus, designed to support and empower women by providing the products and services required to enhance personal safety.


Women’s safety is an endemic issue in society, with 1 in 3 women experiencing sexual assault or harassment during their lifetime. The recent murders of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa encouraged incresed recognition and conversation around the issue, followed by the emergence of injection spiking in late night venues to further threaten women’s safety. Research into the market identified a gap for a female safety brand that comprehensively addresses women’s safety whilst empowering and supporting women with discrete products, partnering with Uber for an effective provision of support.


Latin word translating to safety; meaning protection from risk.
Salus is the Roman Goddess of safety and well-being, representing our aim to protect all women through our product and service offering.


Salus brand values are, to empower, to support, to innovate, and to educate; targeting women of all ages along with broader demographics for a comprehensive approach.
The powerful logo embodies the brands bold, energetic approach to enhacing women’s safety with visual and verabal branding to signify Salus’ vision for creating a safe environment for all women.

Our Products & Services

Salus provides customisable jewellery and accessories embedded with safety technologies, alongside an interactive mobile app to connect to our products, embracing the Internet of Things.

Communication Strategy

The communication strategy to launch Salus into the female safety market comprises four campaigns across an 18-month timeline, targetting women of all ages along with broader demographics to include children, educating future generations to drive social change.

Campaign 1: Stand Together

The first campaign will launch Salus into the market through an event to establish an initial community of likeminded women. Female safety ambassadors will be utilised to expand market reach, building connections and benefitting from their support.

Campaign 2: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

The second campaign will continue to raise awareness by attending events where women are often vulnerable, including festivals and concerts, as well as university fresher’s events. Support will be offered alongside free gifts to encourage engagement, embracing women’s freedom to have fun without fearing safety.

Campaign 3: Our Stories

The third campaign provides an emotional connection to encourage action through a video campaign utilising the hashtag #OurStories to communicate women’s daily experiences of harassment, providing the foundations for an engaging e-community for support.

Campaign 4: Raising Reformers

The final campaign broadens Salus’ target market to reach Gen Zalpha aged 9-14 through a collaboration with Minecraft on their educational gaming platform to raise awareness of the risks to women’s safety and educate on making change.

To Conclude

Safety Without Compromise