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Ben Helm


  • 07788282912

2021: Graphic & Communication Design BA Hons



Marketing, branding, campaigns, and creative concept development have always been the most exciting aspects of graphic communication for me. Have a nose around and see what I mean.

30 Minute Hangover Recovery

What if I could sell you a bag of time?
Sounds a bit far-fetched but hear me out. While exploring drinking culture in the UK for my final project, with the brief to essentially reinvent the wheel, I found that the main issue people had was with the inevitable hangover. But after a bit more digging and a primary investigation into the current perceptions of the subject, it isn’t so much the feeling of being hungover, nor the associated health implications, but the time and productivity loss that comes as a result. This is where Rise Under comes into the picture, creating a 30-minute solution that brings back the hand of time and allows people to get on with their day by using IV drip therapy. The project explores how time can be communicated and how to get noticed as a small challenger brand in an emerging market.

Clue’s in the name

IV drip bag ready for shipping

Tube Station Marketing

Web 1

Drone Marketing

The Rise Under Delorean (expand for detail)

How this could be used as a tool at events

Rise Under store offering in person recovery

Rise Under guerilla tools – Airport lounges

Guerilla tools – Pubs, bars and clubs

Social Media Presence

For more detailed information and to see my extended projects, please feel free to look at my website (link at top) or jump onto my LinkedIn: