Dominic Blore


  • 07825410506

2022: Graphic & Communication Design BA Hons



I enjoy taking inspiration from nature and the world around me. When I work, I aim to ask questions, highlight issues, and find gaps that need to be filled with conceptual design.

Independent project – Myco furniture

For my independent project, I set my brief as “Design the branding for a product(s) made entirely from sustainable, eco-friendly material.- Considering how this can help to tackle the climate crisis.” Through research, I found Mycelium/ Fungi as a powerful eco-friendly material that could be used in a variety of innovative ways, and had great creative potential. After seeing different designers making chairs and homeware from mycelium, I decided to combine both my passion for furniture and the environment into a brand that offered an alternative to fast-furniture companies like IKEA whose production process can be damaging to the environment.

Branding design | Web design | Stop motion animation | Advertising campaign

Bring it all back – Orbit Kendama

Our task was to unearth a long-forgotten product or past time and make it relevant for today. Orbit is my response to this. Rebranding the ancient Japanese toy ‘Kendama’ as a mindfulness toy by day and drinking game by night aimed at Gen-Z students. Orbit’s logo is a representation of Day and Night, showing the 2 sided personality of the branding encouraging balance in life.

Branding & Packaging design | Social media Design | Web design